3rd: (11weeks) Family BBQ for Michael's birthday.
4th: Feeling better - skin is clearing and not feeling as tired. I can just feel my uterus.
7th: Bloated and had a little scare with some spotting. Michael was super thoughtful and looked through my pile of magazines to find some information to try and put my mind at ease.
10th: (12weeks) Every week we read a new entry in "up the duff" by Kaz Cooke. Getting back on the healthy food with lots of veggies.
12th: Pregnancy brain has kicked in. Couldn't find my referral to the Dr so called for a new one and then had to call back when I later found it in my diary. At this stage I'd put on half a kg.
13th: Ultrasound #2. Baby gave us a wave and a kick. He was 6cm long and we could hear his heartbeat. We decided not to do any further testing. Michael came along again...I was so lucky to have him be able to take time off work to make it to the ultrasounds. Such an exciting time! Pa came around for a visit and saw all of the latest pictures and video.
17th: (13weeks) Pants are tight!
18th: Prelim Ante-natal class. Bounty bag. I found it a little boring. Probably because it reminded me of being back at school. Haha.
19th: Sharp belly pains while teaching.
21st: 1kg weight gain.
24th: (14weeks)
27th: Bought size 12 jeans to fit my expanding tummy. Gain of 1.5kg.
28th: People had made comments asking where my belly is. Which freaked me out thinking that maybe my baby isn't growing. Or sometimes I would wake up skinnier in the morning and feel like it was gone altogether. (geez...didn't stress out much did I?)
29th: I could feel a little belly! Woohoo!