07th: (29weeks)
When Michael puts his head on my belly Louis kicks. My belly button
was looking really odd and Luke and Kelly have taken to poking it which
feels horrible!!
14th: (30weeks)
Lots of kicks. Colostrum leaking everywhere. Tired and cranky. I can
feel Louis having hiccups. Carpets have been cleaned. Excitement is
building. Teachers and helpers have been arranged for most dance
classes so I don't have to do as much jumping around.
17th: Heartburn. Achy hips if I lie on my side too long. Achy back if I sit on the computer too long.
21st: (31weeks)
23rd: Antenatal class
Dr appt. Blood pressure was good. Head down ready to go. Fundal
height was 30 weeks. The sciatic pain/pinched nerve was from his head
in my pelvis.
25th: 7kg gain.
27th. Beautiful Melbourne day. Painting nearly finished and curtains have been hung.
28th: (32weeks) Another cold.
29th: The cot was put up.
30th: Antenatal class.