Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Adventure Sunday: The Paps Hike {July}

So, I decided to take the boys on a hike up The Paps.  The Paps is a distinct hill that you can see on your right when heading into Mansfield.  You can open the farm gate and drive up to the base of it, or continue on and drive right to the top (better with a 4wd but a car can do it).

I thought it would be a challenge for the boys and was a little unsure how Jayden, who is only 4, would go but I thought it would be worth a try!

We loaded up a backpack with some food and water and also, Louis suggested some clipboards, paper and pencils for any observations we made.

At the gate ready to go!

Exploring a big log...

Heading up...the views were amazing...

Dylan struggled although that may have had something to do with running most of the way up with Ethan!

Stopping point...we had a rest and some lunch and I considered heading down from here, but I had faith in the boys that they could make it to the top!

These favourites!

This is the steep part...poor Louis and Dylan were over it by now.  Ethan and Jayden powered along beside me with such enthusiasm!

Ethan made it! 

Jayden made it! 4 years old and hiked 3 km to the top (and of course back down again)! Amazing!

Louis made it! (although not too happy at this point! Ha ha)  Dylan made it also, however I don't have permission to post his photo...he was a little unhappy with it...

These boys love that they can say they climbed a "mountain"!

Happier boy on the way back down!  The boys broke out in a impromptu performance of "Que Sera" which was really cute!

We all made it up and back in one piece.  There were celebrations and tears, but ultimately they were all proud of themselves for doing it and each one has said they would do it again.  

Sometimes in life, we have tough times and it's only in hindsight that we realise how much those tough times allow us to grow and improve as people.  The challenge is in choosing to see it that way rather than dwell on all the "unfairness" of it all.  There is something particularly rewarding in choosing "hard" sometimes, and more and more I'm realising that it's sometimes the hard things that teach us the most value. 

So yep, we will hike mountains even if our legs hurt and we'll feel super proud of ourselves at the end of it!  

What challenges have your children taken on that surprised you?  How do you encourage them to make "hard" choices sometimes?  

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Adventure Sunday...Mt. Torbrek {July}

So there was snow everywhere and we wanted to get our hands on it!  We did not, however, wish to spend a fortune on heading up to Mt Buller for a bit of snow play.
From our block we had noticed that there was a snow covered mountain far off in the distance, and after a little investigation we realised we were looking at Mt. Torbrek.  What a great adventure for a Sunday as a family to see if we could find the mountain, find some snow and have some fun!

Mt Torbrek in the distance...

Mt. Buller

A quick stop on the way for a family photo.  Skyline road runs from Bonnie Doon to Eildon and offers a beautiful view of Lake Eildon and the mountains in the distance...

Skyline road is a great scenic road that is suitable for any cars...

The road up to Mt Torbrek was a slightly different story! 

Michael had to clear the road from a fallen branch...

We found snow!  Let the snowman making begin!

The building of "Olaf" 

Family photo with our newest addition!

There were picnic tables and a hike to the summit...another place to put on the "Adventure list" when the snow is gone...

When you've got to go, you've got to go! Ha ha.

It was so beautiful up there, there is something about snow, bush and blue skies that is really magical!
We weren't completely prepared with snow gear, so with cold toes we jumped back into the car and headed down to the Lake Eildon Wall and pondage.

Honestly, these trips out as a family exploring our surrounds and nature just make me feel so blissful.  It's not reliant on huge amounts of income or time, so it's easy!   Most people would have access to a heap of local tourist spots near to their home, but sometimes we get caught up in what's just out of our reach rather than what's within it. 

Do you play tourist in your area?  Try it, I'll be you have a great time! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

July: Bits and Pieces

Some photos of what we got up to over July.

It's amazing how sometimes I don't feel like we've done much, especially over winter.  I'm always glad I took pictures of the everyday "Bits and Pieces" though as it all adds up to form the history of our family, and of course, as we know, it's usually the little ordinary moments that mean the most.  

OK, so I'm not much of a fast food fan, however the boys helped me do the food shopping over the school holidays and this is what they wanted for lunch...happy memories over Mums health kicks always. 

 Louis lost 3 teeth over the school holidays!! 

 Ethan googled himself and found this page on the blog.  He felt pretty good about that! haha.

 Early morning Lego challenges...

 Early morning cuddles...honestly these boys - it's not always this peachy but they do love each other a whole heap! 


This is a bit of a favourite lately...Sweet chilli and cheese twist

Fresh batch of play dough in the Thermomix...

We paid off our car! Finally!  Woohoo!  

 Booked Michael and Dylan in for their Fathering Adventures weekend in November.  I have one very excited 7 year old looking forward to a weekend away with his Dad.

 Anzac cookies - wheat free and refined sugar free...yum!

We spent some Saturdays up at the block...marshmallow toasting

 Dirt and puddle playing...

 Then before we knew was time for the boys to head back to school...

 and back to me and this little guy! (He keeps me pretty entertained)

Back up the block...I will never grow tired of this view...

Boys collecting firewood...

 View from our lounge room...

Michael and his Dad building his shed...

The view from the shed...not sure he'll ever come back down to the house! Haha.