Tuesday, October 31, 2006

October Bits & Pieces

A round up of the month that my baby Louis turned 1 year old! 

Mummy and Louis time up at Oma and Opa's farm

I had my first Dr's visit and I could hear bubba's heartbeat.  Best sound in the world! 
Louis loves New McDonalds Farm and all of the animals in it.  Such a fun show. 

Louis had his first swimming lesson and daycare visit...

We had a 1st birthday party at Lilydale Lake:

And received lots of fun gifts - this one made him bulk up super fast...haha. I swear I felt little baby flutters today (at 12w2d p/g) and I'm so super emotional.  I can cry over anything.  My little boy is turning 1 tomorrow and I'm growing another beautiful baby to grow our family.  So thankful for every moment. 

On Louis's 1st Birthday he snoozed with his Dad!  Being 1 is busy work!

His 1 year old stats are: Weight 9.4 kg and 73.5cm long. 

We had my 12 week ultrasound and saw our beautiful little healthy baby.  Michael came as well and Louis looked at the screen and said - bubba.  My placenta is at the back again so that explains feeling little movements nice and early.  The best!

More sleep.  Love how he sleeps with his little bum up in the air...

On the 14th Louis came down with Croup.  Which I had no idea about.  Of course Michael was away so I had to take him to the hospital late at night.  He was admitted and the gave him prednisilone and he started to improve really quickly.  Thank goodness.  We were able to come home at around 3am.  It was such a scare.  We just napped and snoozed through the next day to catch up on rest. 

Having some fun in the sun in the backyard.  A whole summer to look forward too now.  My belly is starting to grow and I'm looking forward to finishing up work at the end of the year.  I love being pregnant...such a beautiful feeling. 


More playtime...and today was the day I stopped breastfeeding.  He was ready to wean, especially with me being pregnant.  So proud of our journey throughout the first year.  I'm hoping now that I'm in 2nd trimester and stopping feeding that my energy will pick up a little. 

Just like Dad holding onto the remotes!  And laying down in the afternoon after a hard days work...

1st tooth poking through...just.

Someone couldn't wait to get into the sushi when we got home from the shops.  I'll admit it's pretty tasty! 

Louis had a sleepover at Nanna's while we went to my good friend Erica's birthday celebration.  He was such a good boy. 

We had a lovely night out but wow I missed my boy...

Big cuddles picking him up the next day. 

Onto November...

Saturday, September 30, 2006

September Bits & Pieces

A collection of moments over the month:

We had play time at the park...


More croupy coughs and sniffles...

We celebrated Michael's first Father's day!  What a lucky boy is to have such a fantastic hands on Dad...

Then I got sick with a cold (right in the midst of early pregnancy and organising a dance concert!).

Louis riding high on Dad's shoulders...

Lunch at Pa's for Father's Day but no photos...

Lot's of cleaning up after being unwell and listening to Louis chat with so many words!
Feeling really excited about becoming a Mum to 2 little ones!  Watching them grow and develop into little people is the most amazing experience. 

Some new shoes...

Painful drop off to daycare on Thursday afternoon.  Louis gets so upset and I feel awful.  He only stays 2 1/2 hours once a week but the guilt I feel is out of this world.  He's always so excited to see me when I get home from teaching (Michael picks him up when he gets home from work). 
The other downfall to daycare has been the by Friday or Saturday almost every week he seems to come down with another cold or virus. 

Michael's been working Saturdays and even with his Dad up at Bonnie Doon on RDO's.  It's so hard to have him away even though the extra money is good. 

I'm looking to finish up the dance school at the end of the year if I can't sell it.  It feels like it will be far too much to manage with another baby on the way.

New Thomas the Tank Engine Pj's (and a spotty rash to match...poor little munchkin)

Steve Irwin (The Wildlife Warrior) died...I was devastated watching the memorial.  Such a loss.

We visited poor Oma Dukker to say our goodbyes.  It was so sad and very emotional when she said that she was praying for my babies every night.  She passed away the next night with no pain and with her family around her.  So heartbreaking.

I hit 10 weeks pregnant...the time is flying by!

We celebrated Mum's birthday with lunch at her house...

With so much going on I have felt really tired and have been getting headaches.  It's been enough just to keep my head above water.

Louis and I had a big day out to visit our wondering Belly Belly forum friends...

From left Tracey & baby Jordan, Cindy and baby Tori, Nikki and baby Chantelle and me with Louis...


We had Oma Dukker's funeral which was heart wrenching...I came home to have a big cry because you can't always have a big cry at funerals can you?  Always feels like I'm holding it all in really.

I went food shopping and bought way too much junk food...can I blame it on pregnancy?

11 weeks pregnant, a mini shopping spree and a trip up to Bonnie Doon for the weekend!

September...that's a wrap! 

Friday, September 1, 2006

We have a due date!

On Monday we all went to the clinic to have a dating ultrasound.  We found out our little baby is due on the 20th April 2007!

So...that makes me 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant!

Unfortunately, the ultrasound lady was completely awful and we didn't get any video or cute photos.  We won't return to that clinic every!

Tuesday Louis took 3 steps!  Holy Moly!  I'm feeling nauseous and tired but can't think of a better reason in the world for that.

Louis loves watching Max & Milly from New McDonalds Farm on the TV...

No signs of a tummy yet even though I can't stop eating.  I can't wait!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Adjusting to early pregnancy...

Nausea, napping and so sleepy.

Luckily I don't feel too bad though. 

Louis has been saying so many words like "banana" and "ted".  Such a clever munchkin.

On Sunday Dad called and we went off to watch Carlton vs Collingwood at the MCG.  We went with my brother, sister and nephew.  It was a nice break!  Michael and Louis had a nice day together and I missed them so much.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Sharing the news in Bonnie Doon...

Up to Bonnie Doon to let Oma and Opa know they are going to be Grandparents again!  So fun to share the news and they were very excited to hear.

Louis loved seeing the cows and kept saying "moo". 

Getting stuck into a bikky...

Louis with his first beer...not for another 17 years 2 month Opa!

It's always so nice to visit the country.  The open space, fresh air and quiet is so peaceful.  Louis had a big nap today so I had one as well.  So nice!  

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Gearing up for some big news!

Another week coping with running a dance school, feeling sick and loving on this little cutie...


Louis had his first visit to childcare which was not fun.  He only stays for a couple of hours when I drop him off at around 2pm and Michael collects him around 4.30pm.  Not the end of the world but I still struggle with it!

He had his first visit to Lilydale lake and wasn't so sure of the grass and sand but by his second visit he was a little more interested in it!

Louis is now 10 months old!  The time is flying.  He now is 71.5cm long and 8.8kg in weight.  Growing nice and healthy even though he is a little munchkin. 

Louis and I have both been fighting off a rotten cold this week.  Poor little thing has slept terrible with his snuffly nose, therefore I've slept terrible as well.  A long week. 

I had a check up with my Dr and all of the iron and vitamin levels look good.  That's exciting because I'm really looking forward to trying for baby number 2!!! I'm so clucky. 

Which is interesting because just a week later I took a pregnancy test and...

I'm so excited and I think Michaels very surprised! Haha.  I took the test because I woke up feeling a bit strange and little queasy and a nice strong line appeared!  (I found out later from my scan that today I was 4 weeks 6 days pregnant).  Another little bubba to add to our growing family!!  So happy. 

Sunday, August 6, 2006

On to August...

 Ups and downs this week with a few challenges with work and organising day care.  We also had a rotten weekend with a tummy bug affecting Michael and I.  Luckily our little Louis didn't seem bothered at all!

Seriously, check out all of the cuteness...

We've been having lots of giggles and playing and so much fun. (What a little dribble pot!).

He's standing up all the time and saying words like Dada, dog and moo.  What a little chatterbox!

He's standing up all all of the time now, for a good 5 to 10 seconds all on his own!  What a champion.

I keep saying it but I think this is my favourite age so far!