Sunday, April 30, 2006

The rest of April...

 Louis was on all 4's after his bath and keeps pulling himself up to standing.  Oh my goodness.

Getting ready to crawl!!! 

I was sick with a cold so we just hung out together and played...

By the 25th every 2nd night Louis would only have 4 milk feeds.  So overnight he went 7.45-7.15am with no feed!! Wow!

He also was mostly just having the 2 day sleeps and would stay up for around 2 - 2 1/2 hours at a time.

He was always throwing things off his high chair and bopping away to music a lot.  He is still trying to pull up to standing on my leg!

We had a busy weekend with dinner with our friends Matt & Erica and a birthday lunch for Sharon and Robbie and Mums house.  

This is such a fun time of life!

Here's a video from around this time:

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