Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Back into it...

After our beautiful holiday to Port Douglas last week I have decided to set some new goals.  Nothing like a holiday to a tropical paradise to make you re-evaluate a few things. 

Image result for goals 

1.  Blog more regularly - The boys love to look back at the fun times we've had and to be honest I love to have an outlet to express all of the different things swirling around my brain. I'm going to set a target of posting 3 times a week and see how that goes. 

2.  Get my health and wellness back on track -  It's not terrible but it most certainly could be better.  My energy levels are still a little low and I haven't been going to the gym at all.  Goals to follow... 

3.  Re-organise my home and budget - Again, it's not terrible but I just need to work on consistently keeping on top of everything.  I mean, really, it shouldn't be so hard with 4 boys and work should it?  Ha ha.  Goals to follow...

4.  Have more fun!  Hopefully taking the above into consideration it should leave more time and space for fun with Michael and the boys.  Goals to follow...

Image result for accountable personal goals

I feel like I'm starting at the very beginning with this but sometimes I guess that's just what's needed.  Just strip everything away and build up with what's most important. 

Are you working on any goals at the moment?  Do you feel like you need to start fresh?