Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Love Story #7: My turn to turn 18!

It was a busy lead up to my 18th birthday.

I had been working a heap and helping with the move of Bakers Delight from the front of the shopping centre to the food court.

I also didn't celebrate my 18th birthday.

Instead on the 22nd Michael and I packed up and headed to Rye to stay in a motel.  We had a nice dinner out at a restaurant.  It was a weekend away on a budget but we had a great time! We visited the beaches and looked in rock pools. 

Upon reflection I'm happy that we enjoyed each others company so much and celebrated together, but I'm also a little sad that my relationship with my family was not stronger.  There was a lot going on at that time with the breakdown of my Mum and Dads marriage and it was strongly reflected in desire to get away from home. 

That is something that I have consciously wanted to be different for my own family.  That we are all here for each other and strong together.  That is what VisserRealm is about.  That no matter what we are family and nothing can tear us apart.  We are here to love and support each other through good times and bad.  I will continue to learn and work on that for the rest of my days.  It is my greatest lifes work to have a close and connected family. 

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